Sunday, 24 February 2013

Paid Off Journey To Kinokuniya

In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Gracious. All praise and thanks are due to Allah, peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Am headed to Ampang, seeing a friend of G to take off his shoes. As the apartment were under the surveillance of JAIS, his friend even put so much worried as if he noticed me. Am a bit concern too as if they might arresting us for the lame reason even we're didn't do anything.

Slap myself hard, keep thinking off nonsense things!

Continued our journey back to KLCC, however we manage to go to Berjaya Times Square to get myself a new bed sheet. The she-male staff pick me a pink one. Omaigaddd, am not pinkish girl, darling! Just take it to pleased him :(

We're tried to make it fast so that our planning arranged accordingly.

Trying to hold our hunger a lil bit longer as if we haven't had the chance to eat yet since morning. Seriously. We decide to take our meals at McD's inside the twin tower so that we're not that hurry. Seems like someone already fulfilling his promise to treat me McD's :D

Well, spending quite sometimes searching for the required books for my beloved auntie. Finally am giving up and asking for the staff's help. Disappointed! None of them are available. I even ordered the books that am looking for in advance before we left.

Amboi, sempat lagi snapping out the pic before we left!
Still smiling even tried to get rid of the feet-pain :'(
Am already here at Kinokuniya, finally!

While busy camwhore-ing, suddenly someone calling up my name. The staff waving his hands saying that the book is available for my own surprise! Rushing inside to get them all, am so glad even there is only one of them relates.

Seems like my hard works searching had paid off,
Thanks my Lord.

Alhamdulillah, at least I've got something for my auntie. Suddenly the uneasy feelings had fade away. We're celebrating the success by watching the movies at Berjaya Times Square. Even tough there's so much burden on my feet, I kept on moving as am extremely excited about it.

We're watching the Journey To The West: Conquering The Demons. Never expected it is a Chinese movie just by the glimpse look at the title at first. Seriously a must watched movies. Gelak sampai terkencing! Stephen Chow's movie kan, haruslah kelakar. 

Nak tengok Shuo Luo perform kekdahnya.

Ralit tengok movie, sampai termissed LRT. Balik by cab lah kekdahnya. Tak memasal je habis duit spent for the charges. Heuheuheu... sorry for refusing G, I didn't noticed you're showing the sign for us to leave. 

Adeh, sakit kaki berjalan sakan dengan heels! tobat tak mau pakai dah :'( Tido dalam kesakitan+keletihan.

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