Monday 23 December 2013

Dreaming Someone

In the name of Allah, most gracious and most merciful. All praise and thanks are due to Allah, praise and blessings be upon His messenger.

Recently I've been dreaming bout someone and even last night. I'm shocked, hell yes! It's something abnormal as I use not to dream about a guy before. Is it a sign? Hurm, I've noticed recently I keep thinking bout this such a while. This might be because of I'm in high confusion of accepting someone who's approaching me recently.

The first dreamt happened few month ago, am with someone that I didn't know even though the status was someone that I know. Sounds weird kan? Oh well, lemme just keep it for myself. The second guy, I've been dreaming bout him twice but last night I feel like he's close to me. Plus, I did know him.

Thus why am afraid of sleeping at night, and this is my second nights I have after my busy-shitty weeks previously.

O Allah, please guide me, protect me from all of this harm. As if it has been stated am with someone, please smooth everything and let me accept whoever he is for the sake of you.

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