Saturday, 29 December 2012

Uninvited SSIL Student

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Am going to the Business Statistic additional class as am tailing Az. After had such a wonderful a-very-first-time-for-four-pendaflour-dinner at UMSKAL cafe :D I can proudly say that am the only SSIL student among them all. I do noticed the weird stared they gave me with questions but who cares?! Hiks!

It is totally unlisted subject for SSIL student like me but am taking Statistic this semester. Plus, it is exactly the same things like we used to learn during class kot.  No biggie! Suka hati lah nak datang kelas orang pon. FOC kot.

Kinda awkward at first when she do ask me to join her along at first. Come to think of it, it is a learning process so nothing to be shamed of.

Aiman teach us that night, Alhamdulillah... I can swallowed well with all of the lessons during class. The rest, I should count on myself. We have no shame to ask whenever we seems blurry with something. Seriously. Crystal clear. How I wish they could cover lot more as I didn't catch up thing during class too. Ponteng actually. Sort of. :P

Watch our 'series' for the Lagenda Budak Setan 2 continuing the half-way movie watching previously as Az had to deal up with her things off but she wouldn't want us to finish-watching it without her around :'(.

First time I found myself as that patient as I hate delayed things when am already half way there in term of watching movies lah. Tehehe~

Maya Karin was good then, but it just that I could not accept the fact that the first person who took place for such  character previously was not the same person like they used to have from their first series, Lagenda Budak Setan.

That is the major problem I have had about trilogy series. Plus, she is replacing Fazura kot, which is such a big NO for me as I really adore her more than Maya Karin itself. :P

Can not wait to finished up the movie as am already tired tough sleepy. Plus, the disturbance of incoming call within the luxury time really spoil my mood. Why wouldn't you call me during my free time,huh? I will briefly explain it for my next post.

Till now then, am so sleepy. Nite peeps!

Thursday, 27 December 2012

Wordless Wednesday

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

I kept tweets about past things recently, do not want to elaborate more. As I do not want to freak you out. The picture below may describe the whole things after all. How do you expect to move on when you do carry on the past with you? Live on, left your past behind. :D

The past is to be learned, not to be judged.

Say Astaghfirullah to our past, Alhamdulillah for today, and Insyaallah for the future... Thank you Allah for everything. xoxo :D

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Can Muslims Celebrate Christmas?

Yeayh, it is Christmas eve for those Christian. I am not going to wish them, sorry. As I have just noticed it harem pants and I wanna share these piece of knowledge with some of them that they might not well-aware of it. Even me, I do have the intention to wish them, used to exchange gifts with my friends too! Astaghfirullah...

Too bad, I can best say this using Malay language but am going to try my best translating it. Mr Google, please make it happen! :P
Christian: It is Christmas, why don't you wish me, 'Merry Chrismas'?
Muslim: No. We do tolerate with other religion but in this case, it's totally different. Our religion against it.
Christian: But why? Isn't it just words? My other Muslim's friends do wish me already.
Muslim: They didn't noticed it perhaps... I wanna ask you, can you mention Syahadah now?
Christian: Off course not, am not going to say it out! My Christianity may effect my faith and belief.
Muslim: Why not? its only by words? Come on, just once!
Christian: Now,... I get it..

How beautiful Islam is, isn't it? :D These are the best approaches after all to make them understand what was actually the point there. So, it is harem wishing someone Merry Christmas and Happy New Year as it is mentioned in our Muslim's Hadith:
"Barangsiapa yang meniru, mengucapkan selamat kepada agama lain bererti ia telah kafir dan Neraka Jahanamlah tempatnya" (HR Bukhari Muslim).

Ouch! it is in Bahasa, but the point are the same as below:
"Whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers." (Ali-Imraan 3:85)

Thus, wishing Merry Christmas or even Happy Diwali towards others religion and others related greetings even though not directly as mentioned before, still, has not saved from being kufr, it is still forbidden as long as it sounds like congratulate them for prostrating  to the cross, or even worst than that.

Christmas was happens when the Christian do believe  to be the-day-of-God's-Son which they use to called it 'God Incarnate'. Thus, this is not only their celebration, it is also a ritual-based on belief which is totally against the teaching of Islam itself.

From Islamic point of view, the belief in the Son-of-God or God-in-the-flesh is denial of God's Oneness. By participate celebrating with them is not a pleasure but possibilities one may lose his/her conciousness towards the basis. Many of them may not aware of the offensive towards their action which is totally fall into our religion's error which may exposes to the anger of Allah, Nauzubillah.

The above also referred to what had our Prophet said:
"Whoever imitates a people is one of them".

Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyah said in his book Iqtidaa' al-siraat al-mustaqeem mukhaalifat ashaab al-jaheem:
"Imitating them in some of their festivals implies that one is pleased with their false beliefs and practices, and gives them the hope that they may have the opportunity to humiliate and mislead the weak".

Muslim must take it seriously as the greatest danger is for our next generation, who may slowly loose their Islamic faith in tawhid and may start believing in Jesus as 'more than a prophet and servant of Allah'. Perhaps, as mentioned by Mufti Perak, 250,000 Malay had murtad according to their statistic analysis.

In a nutshell, I prefer to celebrate date-of-Muhammad-birth instead of congratulate them or even get involved in their Jesus Christ, Son's-of-God-birth-day as I love the mighty Prophet Muhammad very much. It is hard to captured in words and I hope this limitless feelings will increasingly remain, Amen... 

Salawat and Salaam upon him.

Praise to Allah, am proud to be Muslim ;D

Sunday, 23 December 2012

Prosperity For Treat

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

They took me to the McDonald's, their treat. Yeah, it is FOC. Am pleased. Never expected to get the Prosperity as my meals that evening. Seems like they noticed my favourite dishes tough.

You guys must think that I do had such a generous friends is it? Nop, they are not! tehehe... Everything happens for a reason for sure. Am just doing their part for Principles of Marketing report for the whole night, that is it. It is the lame way they thank me, for my hard works. :P

Guess what? We met Chewchew with her International boyfie there too. Seriously Labuan is just that small piece one.

We enjoy lots of time snapping pictures whenever we like, as usual. I just love it as it seems like quite sometimes I have not going out like this, chitchatting with few friends of mine and I just love it the way it is. We just ignored the stare they gave us, who cares? :D

Terima kasih na payung makan prosperity <3

Peluk ketat buat sang penaja, ahaks!

Boolat nya mata Cik Az...

Grrr... tak sabar nak makan dah ni! tunggu lompat nak terkam ja

Perasan jugak other costumers yang nganjeng perbuatan kitorang berphotogedik. Dengki lah tu! Gasak korang lah. I don't seen any proble

Lepas tapau things off for the sake of Az's friends kitorang ahead balik, mau rest bah ni. Oops! terlebih sudaa... :') Apapun thanks ye korang for the sponsorship as I don't even use my own cash anyway :P

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Nasi Kerabu Hunter

Begin with Basmallah. Hey darls! Guess what, I cannot help myself to start my class again after quite sometimes there is no class during the week plus it is Marketing dude, off course cannot wait to see the very calm face of Sir Soffri! Ahaks.

Well, actually, am being late for that even KC and Una does confirm me about the class with their previous message but I just could not help myself helping my room mate as she was running out of her oil to do their task at Sir Rosni place. 

Actually, they did not listed oil as their expenses.

After running out from the Semi-D am flying to my class as it is already late and I still wanna go to the class as it is worth-coming for. I love Sir Soffri Marketting, please noted okay? Okay, am flying! I do have super natural power, inherited from my grandpa I guess :P

Meet Sami on the 8th floor hallway, he is asking about the Database group mark. Time cenggini lak ko nak ajak menyembang, nyah ko! Terus head on to the door-opened-class like welcoming me and for the first time ever am sitting in front, cepat-cepat selak buku. Seriously do not want to miss things out. *focus.

I wish I have the courage to turn around, finding someone tapi memang susah. As a rabun-ish person memang sucks off to do so, lagi duduk depan, so deal with it. Staring at the usual seat that I used to be, kite noticed Mya is not around but I do not know at the right side as it seems crowded. I could not see someone as they do cover my sight. *worried

End of the class, when held a meeting for our group as our presentation-tomorrow-supposed to be need to be changed to Friday as Marsheela's group could not make it on the-day so Rose ask me to call Mya as all of the members agreed. Unanswered. Decisions have to be made. Majority power used.

Joining Kc, Una and Mimi to cafe, finally could manage myself to get my hands on the Nasi Kerabu. Curry-puff too! tehehe~ Makan besau so that am getting besau too! <3

Blue-ish Nasi Kerabu, eh?

On the way back then, am asking Kc about her nephew, Hulaif Ash. Suddenly Una asking me, 'Wan teringin nak anak buah ke?'. 'Eh, mestilah! tapi tak tahu bila.Hurm.' 'Orang pun tak sabar nak anak buah, abang orang ada je tuh'. #SenyumHambar. Ok, I get it! 

Sunday, 16 December 2012

New Name

Kept tweets about cant-wait feelings of my Royal-Masala-to-be as I does ordered before from their committee members for the Indian Culture Night (ICN) before on December 13, while having a meeting for our Marketing group assignment. 

They do not call them Royal Masala, I used to call them freely as it slightly the same like Royal Masala that I have during my APK it just that without the dhal curry. Suka hati ko lah Wan nak panggil apa pon!

Tunggu punya tunggu sampai tertidur lah. Bangun-bangun terus nampak atas meja, bukan satu tapi dua sebab Su pun beli jugak. 

Rushed to bathroom as possible as am dying for it, starving giler kan? But then I have noticed this and I was like.... @^%*%@%!!#&@^! Tak tahu nak marah ke, gembira ke, cemana ni.

kemain confident tulis nama kite cenggitu yer?

Nama dah tersalah ni der! Since when I do changed my name? or I did not spell it right for all this while?Kang merajuk kang tak kebulur lak anak Mohd Nasir yang sorang nih. Just ignore it! While am opened it, gahhhh... terus tak lalu. Ada acar buah bagai, jauh dari apa yang kite imaginasikan. Okay, tak mengapa. Boleh tolerate lagi. 

Even for a spoon full of the rice, kunyah laju-laju. Tak sedap mana pun, jauh ketinggalan compared to what Sanggari and Renuka prepared back then during the APK expo. Tak sedap pon off course lah habis, beli pakai duit der... bukan air liur.

Lesson that I have learn so far, once people write down your name in wrong way, there must be something fishy walaupun lauk dia ayam sambal :P. Penangan nama ni memang a serious matter. Trust your heart girlfriends!

Touched when Odah tend to offer me to be her sister since she's the only girl in the family. Am welcoming  my new family here with an open heart.

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Whaddup 12/12/12 ?

Did you ever heard rumours saying that 12/12/12 will be the hereafter? The end of the world? Crap! I do not have the ideas where is on earth they have got the news from, CNN, Bernama, Reuters? Huh! Allah knows better what had been written. As a human, we just need to prepare before the time have come.

Well, as for me, 12/12/12 is not just a date. It is something special! I repeat something special! Yeah, as my tweets already achieved the same lucky number too! Erk, almost there even it is not exactly the same. I really do not know where does the last '2'  went missing! :P

a Yeayhhh for me! :P

Not only for the tweets okay? While am awake that noon, (it is normal as I do sleep around 10am) I have noticed something yellow right in front of me as I have been carving for it since ages. I guess Santa Claus did send me these things, but it is not Christmas yet! Lets take a look what is it actually. Wondering? ;P




nice huh? especially bila berlatarbelakangkan Database notes :P

Jeng jeng jeng! It is Durian Crepe everybody! Yeayhh, congrate Wan! Finally, you have made it! Thanks to Ema who gave us a piece of it to be tasted for each and everyone of us. Next time, do bring us a box. LOL!

Bagi betis nak paha plak kan? Ahaks! Well, at first I just thought that she's made it by her own self however I have noticed that she's taking an order from a wife of UMSKAL's staff. Baru nak impress! Apa pun gila babeng sedap, perghhhhhh!

That night am calling up upon Mama to wish her Happy 27th Anniversary. How time flies in a blink kan? Tup tup dah 27 tahun already.

Am just saying, 'Amboi, kemain Mama dengan Abah kahwin pun pilih tarikh cun nak kahwin. meletop ko Jaahhhh!'. Mama replied, 'Mana nak taw, orang tua dulu-dulu yang tetapkan'. 

Nampak tak kesimpulan di situ? Orang tua dulu-dulu pun dah trending pilih tarikh yang cun untuk kahwin, patutlah generasi sekarang pun terbawa-bawa. Sila jangan pertikaikaniiinya puun, adui!

Happy 27th Anniversary Mama-Abah! Thanks for brought us altogether to view the world. We are just blessed to be apart of you. May Allah bless both of you till Jannah, ameenn... Nanti nak kahwin pun pilih the same date as my parents marriage lah, ahaks! Kegatalan melanda secara tiba-tiba.

Monday, 10 December 2012

Drama Birthday Odah

Hey peeps! Guess what date is today? Hell, yeah! It is 9th Disember and we manage to wish Odah for a very prosperous birthday ever.

Okay, I used 'we' here as me, Su, Ema, Rochelle are stick downstairs under Beta 3 finished up our assignment while staring at the clock ticking to 12am. We're singing out loud the Birthday song for the lead of the day, eat 'Serawa Durian' (Durian porridge, is it?) made by Cik Ramping. Credited to her and Mya for the absolutely amazing delivery and delicious dishes they do serve us.

There goes our drama... pretending like we are totally not planning to celebrate the-day. Begin our 'scene' with outing altogether with Su, Odah and me saying that Su really carving to eat something :P.

We head lazily to Malindo Restaurant for the meals. Su do order Kampung Village Fried Rice (#eh?) with an omelette and Special C Tea, me Lemonade Chicken Fried Rice with Corn Juice while Odah just drink a glass of Special C Tea. Kemain peliks lak menu dia ye? Thanks a lot Mr Google!

Well, we tried our best to waste the time before we are about to leave, asking this and that. Seriously I do not know what else to mention. Terribly obvious I guess. After quite some times, the rest of the 'crew' crawling out form the car. Okay, tipu! Birthday song is on track while Ema, Rochelle, Adam, Kaido, and Liza bring along the small Angry Bird cakes towards her.

Am just asking myself, 'is it the last piece of cake available in Labuan? to small for a birthday party, haiss!'

Later on I heard they sing out Birthday songs again and I look back, I saw Odek bring out the big pink cake towards her. I was like 'Whoaaaa!'. I do not know any, as they bought the cakes themselves when they are outing earlier. I just come to eat, LOL.

That is the reason why am not willing to join them when they do invited me but thinking of I never going out with my own room mate previously, I just agreed. *start counting my cash

I know, Odah totally did not expect any as Su and me are kinda good actress. Seriously I did not noticed it before! I should seriously jump into the industry, perhaps :P. Okay, lets go to cafe watching the football match between Malaysia vs Thailand for AFF Suzuki Cup. Go go #HarimauMalaya!

Hey, someone is going for a first date today, ahaks! Iklan jap. :D

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Evaluation Course

Am awake at 3.00am even am a bit lazy but I've force myself to. Had my meal, as I really can't get my hands out of the scramble egg sambal that I've made, Su even say so.Yummy!

Then am just thinking why don't I just fasting today? Am just proceed with it even I don't know how am suppose to live without drinking even a drop of water today. Buat teroks, macam tak pernah puasa kan?

Yup, this is my first time qada'-ing my fast as I don't have the opportunity to replace it, ever! Please zip your mouth off, keluasan rahang anda sudah seperti Jaclyn Victor sedang menyanyikan lagu 'Gemilang'.

Am starting my day with, off course, Twitter. It's a must and what I can say is I can now live peacefully without Facebook page as long as I do have Twitter account with me :D.

Riak kan? Ehem... as am supposed to click by Tuesday, am just had a chance to do so tonight today. Meanwhile, am open up my SMP UMS for the evaluation course-filled so that I can print out my my examination slip. Kemain semangat ko Jahhh! Ye la, sooner or later ada pre-registration, so I don't wanna missed it out.

Two more to go~

Carefully filled in the form.

Yeah, am try my best to fill it in with love, sincere and unbiased result. When it comes to evaluating, off course am evaluate the course listed fairly good enough even I know the consequences ahead. Tough, am not a good liar :P. 

I do experienced it last semester when the lecture entered the class angrily as most of us gave him bad-rating evaluation so as result, he also gave us the same towards our carry marks :'(. If so, why does we need to fill in the evaluation form if we're just allowed to key in the good result and came up with a white lie?

I just hope, this semester kinda different as I guess the lecturers must be very professional enough as they use to be in order to improved their teaching and learning process and I believe with it. Through this evaluation, they may find out what is the strengths and weaknesses among them that they haven't noticed. Am fully-concious by posting this out. 

Am going to take the responsible charges if I do hurt someone. My real name is as above referred smp systems. Am just voice out my opinions on this as we, student also had the right to judge people with our point of view fairly frank.Thank you! 

Saturday, 17 November 2012

What's With Him?

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. All praise and thanks are due to Allah, peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

There's a guy who asking me why am not getting married yet. Speechless. I've just replied, 'It's a long story dude!'. Still, he wanted me to DM him as if I don't wanna publicize the whole story. I manage to tell him everything and why I choose to be in UMS.

For my surprise, he wanted to help me completing the mission. I was like, seriousssssssly? Clueless. What made him to say so, to please me or he was just fooling me around? He's serious. He wanted to came to Sabah tough. *pengsan*.

He kept asking for my number but I refuse. I just keep his number and am still considering either I wanted to have a faith in him or not because am not that type who easily trust guys. It was a lil surprise, I mean, a lot by surprise! Yeah, I just know him in a short while then I don't had any idea what made him to say so.

I feel something, deep down inside. I can't denied that he touched my heart. Oh Allah, ya know am not this fragile.. do protect me from harm and sin.

Short Rest!

Hey peeps! Its been a long time I haven't get my own blog any post as I've been busy kejar dateline for my assignments and tests. Began my day without going to Lab Class for Statistic subject. Okay, my bad! am just continue doing the rest of the questions as I fall asleep right after I got back from Unitrade. Memang tak nak lah tangguh dateline lagi. Dua hari lambat pun dah rasa sangat bersalah kot kat Sir Khai as he really too kind for us to let him down :( Ti pon ada datang bilik for a help, but right after she's around am already print them out :P. While she's trying off my platform heels, I do print out Paulina's assignment as she do visit my room for printing service. It's been a long time never had the chance to talk or even meet her personally like we use to be :'(.

Drop by at Unitrade first before lead to Sir Khai's office for the submission. Plus, need to wait for a while as Una and Ti wanna settled off the account assignment printing process there on the spot. It's already break time, but still Sir Khai's available at his office. Kinda busy with the third year student meet up for the Android apps as he mastered the application very well. I also noticed the eye bag-look form his appearance as I do heard rumors spread saying that his daughter suffered from 'Talasemia'. I just couldn't imagine how tough he and her wife experienced it! May Allah gave them strength to face it. Ameen...

Luckily Sir Khai was such a lovely person as he still accept our group assignment for the database as it's already day two from the submission day. I guess, this hard work had paid off  and worth staying up for. Yeah, I do admit it I didn't sleep at night for almost a week! Thanks for all the group members who often accompany me doing the assignment. I don't feel like am alone even they're busy with their programs and meetings. Sangat memahami keadaan mereka. Its time for a long rest. Ahem, still got assignment and test awaits me! Kejap pon jadi lah, nak pampered myself as a sick person. Semoga cepat sembuh, Wan! :D
Rindunya nak tidur malam dan meniduri tilam empuk Getha ku ini. :*

Monday, 12 November 2012

Not A Good Friend

As am kept staying up late at night, I do saw this image from the fb page as I scrolled down. Touched! thanks for the picture, as am included off course. You always be in my star-friend in fb too. Thanks for the time you've spent just to combine it all in one. It just that am wondering, why there's a lot more pictures of you instead of your girl-best friends? :P

See? I've told you...her face almost everywhere!

It is a pleasure to have nice and good people around me. Delight huh? However, being around group of people doesn't mean all of them are your best friends. Am sorry to say this, it was just my opinion even its hard to be accepted as the truth may always hurt. I don't name people randomly as mine, I don't know if it is yours.

For me, best friend and friend kinda different. There's only few of them will be listed as best friend despite of surrounded by tonnes of friends plus, it's too early for me to announce someone as my best friend as I really need more time to know them well.  When am being around 'them' am freely be myself and that is exactly I feel towards them. Am just blessed to be apart of them it just that I don't feel am being myself enough. Honestly. Like am supposed to be among a best friends.

Am not an outgoing person, and a very likely stick-in-room one. I enjoy do things that I like even am all alone. Seriously, I can manage it as I used to be. Am kinda boring person, yes, I am. Plus, I hate the guilty feeling if I do let someone down or hurt someone as I really not good in jaga hati orang. Really mean it.

I don't feel like am normal to the eyes of the people somehow as I do have the phobia being around crowded of people in a loud noise environment with the small narrow place. I'll get migraine once I'm in it. Weirdo huh? That is the first thing came out from my mind. Claustrophobia. That's the only reason why I enjoy myself doing things that I like even all by myself. :) However, am kinda annoyingly independent person. Proud of it!

I just wanna let you know, if you girls/guys really wanna have me as a bestie maybe am not a perfect one. I do have low self-esteem confidence, couldn't get along with people easily unless I know them well but still I can be a good friend somehow. Instead being a friend that they want, I prefer to be a friend that they need. Hey all the rest of the claustrohobian out there, you're just pretty awesome the way you are. Let's make friends then. Spread the love <3

Sunday, 11 November 2012


Finally, before the final countdown I have made a card to expressed out my birthday wishes towards my room mate, Su. Yeah, it is something special then as I have been forcing myself to do a hand-made card as it is been ages I am not doing it, trust me!

Am in the mood to fill in my luxurious time doing something that I found interest me well, and doing creative thingy like this, it is a pleasured and am welcoming it very well.

Here it is my handmade birthday card especially for my beloved room mate. Kinda messy is it? Yeah, am not use for it practically and this is the only things I have done so far. *impressed

Su was shocked eyeing it as I put it on the table. I thought she might took quite sometimes entering the room, celebrating it with her friends but then I guess there was no celebration that mornite (morning + night). I do not have enough time pretending like am sleeping soundly, am humiliating myself! hiks. Nothing to be ashamed of Wan but revealing how sweet I am was terribly shame things for me :P

Dear Su,
Thanks for everything and wishing you a very Happy Birthday. Had a blast day ever with your loved ones. Thanks for had such a capabilities and limitless patience over a complicated room mate like me! xoxo :D

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Tweets Limit

I know, each and everyone of us who is addicted to tweet must have this kind of experience, so do I. 'Hek eleh, baru first time kena limit dah kecoh! Aku kena banyak kali diam jep'. Nampak riak disitu bila ada orang cakap cenggitu. Yes, I admit it. I memang kepoh pon, so what? Even it's been four years am having Twitter account never experienced it before. Lopek! Mana nak experienced nya, account Twitter ko bukan aktif puunn wan hoi! See the amount of tweets la.

Kinda anxious when I couldn't tweet as I used to be, tekan button enter sampai lebam lah gak an, but still tak jugak boleh. I thought the connection wasn't really that good, kan wifi  UMSKAL sangat excellent! Then, I noticed this, 'You are over the daily limit for sending Tweets. Please wait a few hours and try again. Learn more'. Selalunya memang tak hadap nak baca benda alah tu kan, normally dia akan tulis whether 'Whoops, you already tweet that' or 'Sorry! We did something wrong' tapi bila kemain panjang dari biasa dia tulih memang harus baca lah kan. Rupanya kena tweets limit. Time really flies fast, never realize that I've already tweets over the limit.

People say, this may encountered if you already tweets over than thousand a day. Don't know whether it's true or not. Rumours yo! Am waiting for couples of minutes and then hour. Patiently waiting am I? hahahah... I guess it only takes about an hour for the 'quarantine' last. Right after the precious hour left, I still continue my tweet even I got things to do. :P Never mind  I've got M-16 with me, I just simply shot which answer I feel the best for the database quiz tomorrow. It's not good letting someone waiting for you right? hahax. what ever...

Sunday, 4 November 2012


Today is the-day. Yeah, I do involve myself for the #BettingManUnitedVsArsenal, just for fun. Am just wanna highlight here, we're not dealing with cash so there's no gambling term used here. What make things worst, we're as #TeamArsenal had defeated by Manchester United 2-1. Am about start google-ing the picture of Manchester United manager, Sir Alex Ferguson as I don't have any. Who cares? :3. I guess people whom not get used with Twitter must be wondering, what's on earth am crapping right now. Here are the ground rules for the bet!

So, I do changed mine include the 'I love Man Utd Forever' bio as the task ask us to start changing sharp on 12am. Am a girl lady with promised! After changing, I just noticed this which they ask #TeamArsenal to use the same images of Man United manager as their avatar/twitcon :O

After updated, I could see major of my timeline using the same avatar/twitcon of Sir Alex Ferguson. Meriahhh sangat u'olls, i'olls suka! I guess it's pretty cool using this old man pictures for quite sometime as I may noticed a lot of Arsenal Fans out there and obviously am not alone. However, I do feel like am betraying my own #AFC. :( It just for five days onwards darling. :P

see, I told ya! :)

mine...whatcha say?? 

Seems cool to me huh? hahahahha... Anyway, it just for fun and am just sorry if I do hurt peoples around me specially #MUFC. Can't wait for the next 5th day ahead... See ya! :) Before I forgot, am sincerely sorry to my brothaaa as I couldn't help myself to go to menara right after the football match between Arsenal and Manchester United as am welcoming my guest here in my room. Next time okay? Mornite peeps!

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Highly Rated University in Malaysia

As I scrolled down my Facebook account timeline, I do saw this post from my previous friend, Zana which randomly taken from Berita U newspaper. Why on earth UMS not listed? Even a half??! Hurmmm, if so, why should UMSKAL? Laaaaammmmbat sikit!  :'( I believe, it's not a matter of where we gain the knowledge, it is about how wise you are to manage them all. However, I believe people do use this rating to measure which university had the well-equipped facilities and the best rated one to show off how intelligent they are to be apart of them. Nauzubillah....

It is some kind of bonus if you had been accepted apart of the listed university, as most of the people didn't had the same opportunity of being accepted even they do applied for it. Am just grateful and proudly to say that UMS is my top choice and am so happy to be around here even it is not listed as the best university compared to other. Am just blessed as Allah know the best for me as am fulfilling my late Mr Processors' last wishes. I just love the beach and couldn't being separated with it wherever  I go :D

Friday, 2 November 2012

Am not Cinderella Nor Sindarela

Begin my first November watching Cinderella story from Walt Disney with my dearest room mate, Su. I never happen to watch it since my childhood. What a shame! Guess what Su's reaction right after am inform her this, like 'serioussslyyy??' as she do watch it thousand times. Shhhhhh.... Don't be surprise too much! I just felt like am that worst for not watching it previously before. :'(

Anyway, thanks for Kyra as she's the one who gave the movie for me and make it happen as am really carving to watch it badly. See the nickname lar :P However, am not Sindarela, not am not Cinderella! hahax. So, it doesn't matter if I do watch it or not as my nickname's taken from Sindarela story for the Lestary slot on TV3.

Masculine side of Cinderella describe me the best! :D

Euwww.. too feminine, not suit me

Ohhh goshhh! How am really dream of being in Cinderella's glass shoes heels. Hey, pleaseee.... am not gasping of wearing the glass heels, am just hope that once, I have the same story as hers. Am just like others ordinary girls who always dream big as a prince might fetch me up and live happily ever after.

Wallaweyhhhh! Honestly am just glad if someone could accept the boyish me just like the Sindarela story and am happy to wear those canvas/sneaker shoes rather than a heels. However, am just pleased as someone do call me as a Cinderella after am telling her my life path am going to. It just that am not ready yet to expose it here in my darling blog of mine, perhaps someday I will. Somehow, am not that Cinderella nor Sindarela. Am just happy being me :)

Thursday, 1 November 2012

BFFnene, not BFFnenen

Am suppose to update this post early night mornite but my BFFnene wouldn't allow me to, as he ask me to go offline and sleep as the same as him as the clock already ticking to 2am. Berapa banyak 'as' da... Yeah, he do care for me and he loves me for the sake of Allah very much! Am really appreciate to have a bestie like him, I really do mean it! It such a pleasure when you can chat with your long-lost friend from previous secondary school till morning after its been a while you haven't contact them, am just blessed. Anyhow, what does exactly BFFnene stands for? any idea?? :D I even didn't noticed it as he's the one who told me so. BFFnene = Best Friend Forever aNd Ever aNd Ever. lol kan? but still..sweet! Nasib lah tak wujud lagi aNd di belakang Ever tu dah. :P

Having a boy-friend BFF really do test your guts. You really had to be professional enough and had to deal with the consequences ahead of having them around you. It is important for you both differentiate the relationship you're going into and know the border line as a friend and personal matter intelligently without never had intention to cross them on. Frankly speaking, am not the intelligent one as I do fall for him once... back then when we're so close to each other. However, by keeping my own principle not to be in relationship with someone whenever am still in school had help me out to control myself and he even didn't know that I do have feeling towards him. But during our YM-ing I do admit to him and he just noticed! Am also include him the reason why am not continuing these feeling onwards and tried my best to forget him~

Well, he's about to get married this November with our schoolmate. Am just so happy on towards them. It just that the bride-to-be is not among our course mate, she's Agrotech student instead of us Mechanical Engineering one but still, we're in the same technical course. What make me impress is finally she's get the man she's admired for ages since her secondary school and all her effort for this while had paid off. They're meant for each other though I know exactly who's in the guys' heart. That's why am quite disappointed looking at the bride's name stated on the invitation card was not me someone in my mind. As if I ask him, he don't even know why he'd choose her frankly. Then he gave me this ;

Yeah, we shouldn't question why our fate like this/that and why with his/her and ask Allah why our love isn't last forever with our loved one and should end like what we want according to plan... We just don't have the right to do so as Allah knows the best for us and we should acknowledge that everything happens for a reason. Allah already stated our destiny since we're 4 month old in our mother's womb and who do we think we are to deny what had been written by HIM?

I really do, afraid of losing him as a my pleasant BFF after he had changed his marital status. Even he might be always there for me and surely the progress of our relationship might not be the same as before. I had to consider his wife's feeling to, not to get us wrong. Plus, I really do love the role of being his BFF now and hope till Jannah exactly like he describe us, BFFnene. A best friend should be your everything and shouldn't be forgetten just because you're in a relationship with someone else.

Am really sorry as I couldn't attend his both side walimatul urus and I know how upset he was. He even re-invited me to his wedding again even previously I do decline to join them due to classes I had to attend to. Am just could pray for both of them live happily ever after. Dear Allah, do blessed both of this love birds till Jannah, ameen... Am just sorry... :'( I just can promised him to pay a visit someday, InsyaAllah~

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Lazy Monday

The clock is ticking to 10.38am and am just awake! haha..The food finally serve right in front of me and am cooking in my dreams, hell yeah?! Kyra and Ayu prepared it all, am not included, damn! I supposed to cook for them, am just about to show what I've got! See, niat tak baik sebab tu Allah tak bangunkan. Astaghfirullah... My duty is just to take my bath and eat, shame on me! We're about to eat delicious food that time just for the sake of Ayu as she might probably run on diet right after the surgery even she's not willing to :p. Had a blast lunch while watching Hantu Kapcai for my second time! Kyra was too worried leaving me here all alone in her room. She even boil the water first before her leave in case am thirsty even prepared me her Maxis broadband and external hard disk in case am boring. How am I suppose to convince her that am gonna be fine as am use to it.

While downloading Mat Lutfi's 2012 videos collection as I've promised my lil Paulina, I've heard man's voice from outside. The 'voice' ask us to came out after knock on the door but am just remain silent and pretend like am not around but heyyyy, they've got the keys with them! Seriously cuak, sengih macam kerang busuk je depan pintu :D. Am just an outsider, please don't hurt me. I've promised to go back to KAL by tomorrow morning. Wakk lu! am just watch too much movies and please dude, don't get sick with my drama :P. The UMS staff just wanna change curtain, not more. Well, if it's not happen, am not going to have the opportunity to meet up Kyra's lovely Indian house-mate. She's just adorable! <3

Around 6pm Kyra and Ayu arrived. They rushingly take me to the beach nearby and let me swim happily playing with water as they noticed that I do love the beach very much! However, they didn't join me as they just wanna fulfil my wishes. Touched! :'( Thanks for you both to make it happen and thanks to Ayu even she's still in pain after the surgery, she still wanna spend some times with me. Am blessed having you both around. Enjoy having the 'quick' picnic with Bakso, my favourite dish! Again, thank you.

Monday, 29 October 2012

The Thieves

Am just awake around 10am as am shocked someone's repeatedly calling my name and I know it is Muaz. There's nobody home, only Kakak and Muaz as the rest had gone to Lok Kawi's Orphanage open house as they had made qurban during the Eidul Adha. But hey! I do forgot about Irfan, am just thought that he's gone to the orphanage too but he still asleep silently in his room. Am just prepared my stuff ready as am about to move to UMS main campus there at Kota Kinabalu as am suppose to be there since yesterday :P. However, Cikgu Man ask me to go to the orphanage as Kak Sharina haven't get back yet. Am going with Kakak and Irfan accompanying me, we do enjoy our Gearbox Soup very much and it is totally delicious! UMS student also give a hand to help smoothing the event as well :D

Cikgu Man willing to send me directly to Centre Point (CP) as I've promised Kyra. They even ask Shamrin, the rental car person that I've call to take me to CP going back even he had reach the front door! Am just surprised as am taking out my stuff already :O. Sorry. We start moved out from the house when things done and we're had so much fun along the journey. Suddenly Muaz said to me, 'Kak Ngah janganlah balik lagi...' with his smiling eyes and am just touched! Kakak also kept mentioning 'Kank Ngah nak balik dah...' sounds like she really don't want me to go back. Perasan! While Irfan, kept remain silent without words. I know it'hard for him am just said, 'Pasal Irfan lah Kak Ngah nak balik!' teheehhehe~ They're just so sweet. Next time I've promised to come back. Seriously.

Am rushing entering the CP as am already late and really do forgot that am with my backpack and lappy bag, that's why am wondering why do people keep staring at me, but who cares?! However I still can manage myself to get on time before our movie display in a few minutes time. I felt like wanna jump high as I could finally meet my friends, Kyra's and Ayu's after a year. They also introduced me to their Sabahan friend, Claryssa. Am just pleased to meet her as I've been carving for ages for it. Ok, tipu. She's cute! We're watching The Thieves as it is my first time watching Korean movie in the cinema. Okay, I didn't know anything about latest movies on now, so I just put my faith in them to pick one. My eyes kept pointing at Simon Yam as I admired him since ages and I know it is collaborated with Hong Kong actor/actress as I also noticed the Malaysian actress, Angie. Orang Kedah tu beb! Bangga sat.

The Thieves revolve around the professional group of thieves go to Macau on job to steal the $20 million diamond which known as 'Tear Of Sun' diamond. It is very unexpected turn as it do involved love story between Macau Park and Pepsi and my favourite part is between Simon Yam and Kim Hae Sook even the ending its not really satisfy me enough :'(. Dont trust a thief! I've learn a lot from this movie and this is the reality, don't trust people easily as anything can happen when it involved money. The story concentrate more to Macau Park revenged which really made me impress as he capable to do it alone with the help of others accidentally. I guess, it is a must-watch 2012 blockbuster and worth visit to cinema.

Okay, I do talk to much. Dui bu qi. After had a blast movies, we're further our date to the KFC to take our meals together. Am sharing my snack plate with Kyra while Ayu's with Claryssa. After finished all, we're rushing to UMSKK and I sleepover at Kyra's place. Ayu also join us!^^ She still got the same house it just like a different room. Tomorrow is the operation day for Ayu. Well, hopefully everything runs smoothly. Ameeennn...

Friday, 12 October 2012


Today I get up on time even last night I've slept only for 2 hours. After got up from bed, manage to take my bath and still can sleep for awhile after texting Mya. 5 minutes tidur-tidur ayam had over, terus bersiap and had my 'heavy' breakfast! makan nasi derrr, ko hadooo?! :D on the way down going to Beta 6, I've made a call to Mya as am afraid she's not yet awake but got no answer. Then, she texting me saying that she just got up. Malu lettew nak bagi me dengar her husky vusky voice. :P That's why am prepared myself early even my lab class starts around 8.30am. I've noticed this when I saw her. 

We're learning how to use the SPSS software to make things easy in collecting data. Yeah, it's Statistic class bebehhh! When it comes to lab class, everyone become focus. FB-ing and onlining off course! It is a must. Tapi jangan sampai kantoi derrr. Madam ask us to key-in our data one by one and am kinda, seriously?! Why there's an 'Age' field there.. huh! Am just okay with it but I'm afraid people might be awkward when having me around especially for those who didn't noticed it yet. When the histogram result comes out, madam just like questioning, 'Who's 24?'. Am proudly raise my hand and admit it, 'Saya!'. Then she replied, 'Tuanya!'. I was like (-_____-)

Okay, merajuk seminit! kembali buat kerja maksiat, online! :P

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Just Let Me Be

I have something to admit. Am really sorry to my lil Paulina as I kept crying during her B-day! I've tried to get rid of it (instead of respecting her-day) but I just couldn't help myself for being so sensitive. Am really touched since watching the videos collection of GenQ program even am not yet watching the 'Halaqah Sentuhan Kalbu' which relating to our parents sacrifice. Tears kept rolling as I realize how amazing was the Quran is and how beautiful Islam does. What make things worst, am wondering how Christian could realize and know more about the beauty of Islam and how brilliant was the Quran is rather than us as a Muslim itself. Shame on me!

Am about to cry and scream out loud in the rain for all those sins that I've made and really sorry for things that I've done. Seriously! Time hujan lak kan, lagi best. Someone please cut off the crap in my head! am just too imaginative. Am I deserve to be forgiven? Am going to change but how and where should I start? Am just blur and desperately need a guidance here. After the program, when the lights turn on we're manage to be around our team mate and I noticed Zaila's eyes swallowed. And am just guessing how am I looks like as I really tried my best to endure it. After that we're having our Tadarus things and each person of the group member started to recite the holy Quran and they might correct me if there's a Tajweed errors.

As I go back to Beta 3, I saw Athirah sat under Beta 6 maybe discussing something with the rest of two. Am planning to come down to get her after changing my cloth as it's been quite sometimes we haven't had a talk together. My tears coming out like cat and dogs especially when am having a soul-chat with her as she also cried out her problems but am the worst. I don't know why am exposing my secret to her and she knew everything bout me then. Okay, it's a lie, not all.  Am just helpless. Am sorry, I really need someone to say this out, how hopeless I am ;'( .

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

October First

It's October first and it is a very special day to me and the rest of my family.  It's my mama's birthday! Did I mention today? nope kan? So, please don't get me wrong. I could only manage myself to wish mama via phone call and also in my social network sites. However, the most deep impact are below comments taken from my Facebook account :

Sangat touching when am starting to appear online and see all those feedback above especially for Salwa and Sher-sher, except my siblings :P. Really made me to appreciate my mama a lot and even she noticed that am not that type who easily expressed my feelings towards someone that I love well, she knew it she'll always be my loved one. I guess mentioning someone that you really love her/him is not necessary unless you act like you do love them through your action... but, I do learn to voice it out as am afraid of losing peoples around me as appreciation  even am noticed how stupid I was saying those word to them :P seriously~

Again, to Mrs Ku Aishah Bt Ku Sulaiman,
         had a very blast birthday ever and may happiness be around you... always! Thanks for the things that you've done to me for this recent years, I really adore you till the last breath of mine. Am really sorry for hurting you back then and even for the days forward. Am just blessed to have you around me. I love you! <3

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Staff CIMB Pun Ada Sense Of Humor

As am finished my Statistic tutorial early before the class, me and Mya spend our time at Megalab onlining. Plus, we're just love the air-cond environment there as it is hot in Labuan ;P. While scrolling off the FB timeline, my eyes kept pointing at Chip's status and goes the same to Mya. Suddenly, we laugh out loud without noticed we've been watching as we're in the public! terlupa sebentar kitorang at Megalab. Sumpah tak tahan, maafkan sia. Tak caya tengok kat bawah ;

Seriously tak sangka, pekerja CIMB sekelakar itu. For your information, Chip ni my long time secret admirer since my secondary school back at SMK Sultanah Bahiyah. Girl's school tetibe jumpa Boy's School jadi jakun jap an. Okay, do I need to tell this. Tak ada kena mengena okay?!!

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Super Pan Pizza Experience

Am awake around 9am and a bit lazy to take my bath yet. It's all because of the Labuan's earth have just get wet as it's raining earlier, but it's already stop. Am jump off from bed to get my lappy's on. However am dragging the lappy to join me on my bed too. See... how lazy I am! lol. Starting to Google the Pizza Hut website. 

Kinda excited searching for the menu ahead even am not being there yet :P After a while for the soul-searching, guess what? am already late for the date with my two girlfriends as promised! I don't even have enough time to get myself well-ironed exclude for the shawl. Am just wear it on just the way I am and am wearing my first skirt eveerrrrr!!!

Am carving for this Super Pan Pizza, it's not because someone planned to purpose me ;P but since Pizza Hut had promote this, am going to figure it out how wonderful the taste of cheese & Garlic Napoli sauce in the crust as mentioned from their poster shown above. Cam best jep! :D 

When we're there, it's a FULL HOUSE man! We prefer to wait outside to avoid the noisy and messy inside. Yeah, I can't stand with it as I may feel dizzy. Plus, Labuan's Pizza Hut was not that big compared to any other place. After a long waiting moment, the staff invited us to have our seat as there's an empty table there politely. 

Am ordering the Seafood Lasagna, while As and Amal have their Meatball Spaghetti Bolognaise. While waiting for the menu being served, we manage ourselves to snap pictures here and there. Chronic disease, huh! Well, I guessed it's normal for a teenagers like us. Am I still among them? ok, tipu tipu! :'(

Awat pakat tongkat dagu tak taw?! A long waiting moment for As and Amal I guess

Okay, sila maafkan As sebab she prefer kahwin banyak kali sebab kept exchanging places. ;P

Waiting is some kind of tortured moment however, when waiting for something that you really want is just worth it! And these is all my treat as I get bonuses last night. It just their luck! ;P Apa lagi, makan la derrr...

Sunday, 12 August 2012

Step Up Revolution

Am about to watch Step Up Revolution today with Deqwan. As am a bit late, we had to buy 5pm ticket and we tried to mess around CS in order to manage our time wisely plus Deqwan need to find her raya shoes, as she haven't had one yet.

We've been visiting lots of shop and none of them really satisfy her well, and she only adore RM50+ shoes which is totally out of her budget. Bajet sponsor kot, Izzat kasi thats why she had to ensure she won't lose anything.! Seriously macam perempuan! Yeah,she is, :D ngalahkan akak dia lak, kemain cerewet. Kalo kite, men sambau jep.

As it almost to 5pm, we quickly rush to enter the GSC hall 3 for the show. Am just too excited to watch as am finally going to complete all my Step Up series. Goshhh! it's totally awesome... I repeat, ohsemmmmm dude! I felt like wanna dance too even it's been ages am walk out from my dance crew. lol! how am really miss them all.

Kinda experiencing the adrenaline rush pumping excitement even there's not so many people in here. Better beli CD la tengok kat rumah, boleh stimboat sensorang. Almaklumlah bulan puasa ni, mau mengucap panjang tengok baju tak cukup kain tu, aset terjojol sana sini, and off course the body languageyang memberahikan! That's the reason why I stop dancing as I wanna be a good muslimah.

Kemain ketak-ketak lagi badan si hero, Sean ni ha. Dah macam brick game tersusun kat abdomen dia. 

Moose and sapa tah nama pompuan cina nih, pop up in a sudden for the last dance troupe! :D

Hero and the rest of the player is still the same and that was important to me for a sequel series like this.  Last The MOB punya performance, dia reunite balik all the dance member from the previous film. However, they still lack of something ummmpphhh! The music and script not really that powerful plus, this revolution series not focus more to the Sean-Emily love story but more to their dance group and the choreography they tried to came up with. The first dance of Emily is the worst everrrr! euwww... seksis lah sangat kan? But it was totally sucks!

The final romance dance between Sean and Emily really touch my heart, I even didn't noticed my tears flow down through my cheek. Kenken suddenly across my mind and how am missing him damn much. We're both have the same interest and he's a great dancer too. I guess he could came out with this type of dance. Still remember, he wanna teach me how to do prom night dance as he often gone to formal event like that.

Okay, let's forget the past. After done with our movies, we're continue choosing the shoes for Deqwan and finally she choose this Body Glove shoes. Yeah, it should be BLUE! Everything should be BLUE for Deqwan even her yearly raya kurung in blue but this year, as the family theme is green, she should have one too! hahhahaha.... I wonder how she gonna pair it up with the green kurung she had. :P We're made up home before having Iftar together with our family! hahahaha...

Blue-ish shoes

Sunday, 5 August 2012

First Experience At the Track

Deqwan ajak gi training motor for real kat Institut Lesen Memandu JV Cergas walaupun ketika itu kite tak begitu cergas. Seriously malas as it's been quite sometimes kan? Thats why I hate delayed things off! Plus, ingatkan Deqwan sudah melupakan perihal janji manis beliau lagipun beliau baru saja pulang dari sekolah. Yes, beliau bersekolah pada hari Sabtu, sunggoh rajin! Oleh kerana sifat malas itu, kite dress up pun lebih kurang lah kan free-iron stuff. Who cares? Budaya sempoi habis memang menebal dalam diri ini.

After had her lunch, we move out. Okay, she's in red flag so dia ni memang penyokong setia Jepun dikala Olimpik  ini. Kite harap kerajaan Malaysia mengambil tindakan sewajarnya terhadap tali barut Jepun yang masih bersisa ni :P Sebelum kite bercerita lebih lanjut mengenai sejarah Jepun, you better slap me hard! hahaha...

When we're reached there, I rest myself at the bench provided and kept staring at the theory class trainee show off their best talent riding a motorcycle. Wahhh! kagum seketika. Puii! teruk bebenor. Actually stress kot kena tunggu til 4pm for my turn, as I've already ask the clerk there. Guess what? we should wait for 1 hour and 15 minutes yawww! Seriously kite tak expect kite mempunyai kebolehan menunggu dengan sabar dalam tempoh tersebut.

pandang-pandang jeling-jeling

I'm shivering as the clock ticking to 4pm and I was like, damnn! Nervous, takut, malu semua ada. Ye lah, ramai kan bebudak teori kat sini. Mana taw kite jatuh secara terhormat kang, tak memasal digula-gulakan. After get my photocopy of identification card and L license from the office, I gave the clerk there at the training counter applying for my turn. Original L licenses pun kena attached altogether with those photocopy sebagai cagaran kot. Mana taw, kalau kalau kite yang 'handal' bermotosikal ni merempit bawak balik sampai ke rumah kan? lol.

Instructor kat situ tak benarkan kite naik atas titi tu, so as a newbie kena lalu beside titi je. Insiden yang sungguh menyayat hati! Kite just round several times kat parking lori, lokasi pertama masa kite buat latihan dulu bagi orang terpilih yang 'handal' bermotosikal macam kite, itu pun atas saranan others instructor yang meminta kite just round few times sementara nak biasakan diri balace and adapt with the motorcycle itself. Lepas tu, Pak Cik Demo datang tanya kite dah buat berapa round and I'm just reply 'saya round sini je sebab tak mahir lagi'. Then, dia offer diri untuk mengajar. Yippiiieeee! :D

Pak Cik Demo ajak kite bawak motor ikut dia, seriously he's a good trainer. Memang boleh hadam la apa dia ajau sebab kite mendapati diri kite dah banyak improve better than before. Memang annoying bila trainee lain pun noticed that I failed to ride it well but I'm trying my very best! Best lah sangat sampai ada 'Kajol' langgar kite dari belakang sebab kite break mengejut, mujur tak kojol! phewww... It just that still can't get myself onto that titi.

After quite sometimes, we went home happily. ^^ Really thankful to Pak Cik Demo, please don't hesitate to see me again in future :P

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Blackout Iftar

We're just about to wrap ourselves out from having Iftar together however suddenly I could't see things clearly as it is dark. Am  about to brush my teeth before taking wudhu' performing my maghrib pray and suddenly it occur. I just thought that someone have switch on the wrong light switch as if someone switch on the light, automatically the electricity might runs out.

So, we're just get to use with it, however it takes quite sometimes for them to fix it. As I look outside the back door, am just shocked as it's totally blackout for the whole taman.

umpama si buta dalam kegelapan~

We're began to look for the candle here and there. Apa orang kata, dah nak terberak baru nak gali lobang. Ye la, kang pasang lilin even ada electricity kang orang kata buang tebiat lak kan? Habis semua batang lilin birthday cake punya kite bedal! Mau taknya, rosak program. Hajat di hati nak nonton cerita Korea, so terpaksa lah memendam rasa.

After performing my Maghrib pray, tengah gelap likat, pekat malam tu lah kite melipat kain kat wardrobe Deqwan dengan tekun. Seriously I just can't stand starring at those messy clothes here and there. Lagipun, tempat Din and Izzad already done, here it comes her turn pulak. While Deqwan do her homework, Mama pulak sambung menjahit baju raya kitorang adik beradik as she really good at it.

I've got messages from Bul previously, she ask me to be online as she had something to tell me. I tried to be online as I promised her, luckily already charge my laptop before. Yes, onlining in the dark with the power of candles!lol. It's been quite sometimes we haven't contact each other, how I really realized that I'm not a good friend. Around 11pm, the electricity turn out as normal which benefit us. I'm just wondering how does blind people can get use with their dark side condition?

Baru blackout sat ja dah gelabah bewak dah ni kan pulak si buta. Luckily dah habis berbuka baru blackout, or else maunya teraba-raba cari makanan. Ikan disangkakan ayam, kang tak memasal adik makan ikan secara tiba-tiba :P Syukur padaNya yang telah mempermudahkan segala urusan.