Saturday, 29 December 2012

Uninvited SSIL Student

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Am going to the Business Statistic additional class as am tailing Az. After had such a wonderful a-very-first-time-for-four-pendaflour-dinner at UMSKAL cafe :D I can proudly say that am the only SSIL student among them all. I do noticed the weird stared they gave me with questions but who cares?! Hiks!

It is totally unlisted subject for SSIL student like me but am taking Statistic this semester. Plus, it is exactly the same things like we used to learn during class kot.  No biggie! Suka hati lah nak datang kelas orang pon. FOC kot.

Kinda awkward at first when she do ask me to join her along at first. Come to think of it, it is a learning process so nothing to be shamed of.

Aiman teach us that night, Alhamdulillah... I can swallowed well with all of the lessons during class. The rest, I should count on myself. We have no shame to ask whenever we seems blurry with something. Seriously. Crystal clear. How I wish they could cover lot more as I didn't catch up thing during class too. Ponteng actually. Sort of. :P

Watch our 'series' for the Lagenda Budak Setan 2 continuing the half-way movie watching previously as Az had to deal up with her things off but she wouldn't want us to finish-watching it without her around :'(.

First time I found myself as that patient as I hate delayed things when am already half way there in term of watching movies lah. Tehehe~

Maya Karin was good then, but it just that I could not accept the fact that the first person who took place for such  character previously was not the same person like they used to have from their first series, Lagenda Budak Setan.

That is the major problem I have had about trilogy series. Plus, she is replacing Fazura kot, which is such a big NO for me as I really adore her more than Maya Karin itself. :P

Can not wait to finished up the movie as am already tired tough sleepy. Plus, the disturbance of incoming call within the luxury time really spoil my mood. Why wouldn't you call me during my free time,huh? I will briefly explain it for my next post.

Till now then, am so sleepy. Nite peeps!

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