Sunday, 23 December 2012

Prosperity For Treat

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

They took me to the McDonald's, their treat. Yeah, it is FOC. Am pleased. Never expected to get the Prosperity as my meals that evening. Seems like they noticed my favourite dishes tough.

You guys must think that I do had such a generous friends is it? Nop, they are not! tehehe... Everything happens for a reason for sure. Am just doing their part for Principles of Marketing report for the whole night, that is it. It is the lame way they thank me, for my hard works. :P

Guess what? We met Chewchew with her International boyfie there too. Seriously Labuan is just that small piece one.

We enjoy lots of time snapping pictures whenever we like, as usual. I just love it as it seems like quite sometimes I have not going out like this, chitchatting with few friends of mine and I just love it the way it is. We just ignored the stare they gave us, who cares? :D

Terima kasih na payung makan prosperity <3

Peluk ketat buat sang penaja, ahaks!

Boolat nya mata Cik Az...

Grrr... tak sabar nak makan dah ni! tunggu lompat nak terkam ja

Perasan jugak other costumers yang nganjeng perbuatan kitorang berphotogedik. Dengki lah tu! Gasak korang lah. I don't seen any proble

Lepas tapau things off for the sake of Az's friends kitorang ahead balik, mau rest bah ni. Oops! terlebih sudaa... :') Apapun thanks ye korang for the sponsorship as I don't even use my own cash anyway :P

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