Saturday, 29 December 2012

Uninvited SSIL Student

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Am going to the Business Statistic additional class as am tailing Az. After had such a wonderful a-very-first-time-for-four-pendaflour-dinner at UMSKAL cafe :D I can proudly say that am the only SSIL student among them all. I do noticed the weird stared they gave me with questions but who cares?! Hiks!

It is totally unlisted subject for SSIL student like me but am taking Statistic this semester. Plus, it is exactly the same things like we used to learn during class kot.  No biggie! Suka hati lah nak datang kelas orang pon. FOC kot.

Kinda awkward at first when she do ask me to join her along at first. Come to think of it, it is a learning process so nothing to be shamed of.

Aiman teach us that night, Alhamdulillah... I can swallowed well with all of the lessons during class. The rest, I should count on myself. We have no shame to ask whenever we seems blurry with something. Seriously. Crystal clear. How I wish they could cover lot more as I didn't catch up thing during class too. Ponteng actually. Sort of. :P

Watch our 'series' for the Lagenda Budak Setan 2 continuing the half-way movie watching previously as Az had to deal up with her things off but she wouldn't want us to finish-watching it without her around :'(.

First time I found myself as that patient as I hate delayed things when am already half way there in term of watching movies lah. Tehehe~

Maya Karin was good then, but it just that I could not accept the fact that the first person who took place for such  character previously was not the same person like they used to have from their first series, Lagenda Budak Setan.

That is the major problem I have had about trilogy series. Plus, she is replacing Fazura kot, which is such a big NO for me as I really adore her more than Maya Karin itself. :P

Can not wait to finished up the movie as am already tired tough sleepy. Plus, the disturbance of incoming call within the luxury time really spoil my mood. Why wouldn't you call me during my free time,huh? I will briefly explain it for my next post.

Till now then, am so sleepy. Nite peeps!

Thursday, 27 December 2012

Wordless Wednesday

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

I kept tweets about past things recently, do not want to elaborate more. As I do not want to freak you out. The picture below may describe the whole things after all. How do you expect to move on when you do carry on the past with you? Live on, left your past behind. :D

The past is to be learned, not to be judged.

Say Astaghfirullah to our past, Alhamdulillah for today, and Insyaallah for the future... Thank you Allah for everything. xoxo :D

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Can Muslims Celebrate Christmas?

Yeayh, it is Christmas eve for those Christian. I am not going to wish them, sorry. As I have just noticed it harem pants and I wanna share these piece of knowledge with some of them that they might not well-aware of it. Even me, I do have the intention to wish them, used to exchange gifts with my friends too! Astaghfirullah...

Too bad, I can best say this using Malay language but am going to try my best translating it. Mr Google, please make it happen! :P
Christian: It is Christmas, why don't you wish me, 'Merry Chrismas'?
Muslim: No. We do tolerate with other religion but in this case, it's totally different. Our religion against it.
Christian: But why? Isn't it just words? My other Muslim's friends do wish me already.
Muslim: They didn't noticed it perhaps... I wanna ask you, can you mention Syahadah now?
Christian: Off course not, am not going to say it out! My Christianity may effect my faith and belief.
Muslim: Why not? its only by words? Come on, just once!
Christian: Now,... I get it..

How beautiful Islam is, isn't it? :D These are the best approaches after all to make them understand what was actually the point there. So, it is harem wishing someone Merry Christmas and Happy New Year as it is mentioned in our Muslim's Hadith:
"Barangsiapa yang meniru, mengucapkan selamat kepada agama lain bererti ia telah kafir dan Neraka Jahanamlah tempatnya" (HR Bukhari Muslim).

Ouch! it is in Bahasa, but the point are the same as below:
"Whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers." (Ali-Imraan 3:85)

Thus, wishing Merry Christmas or even Happy Diwali towards others religion and others related greetings even though not directly as mentioned before, still, has not saved from being kufr, it is still forbidden as long as it sounds like congratulate them for prostrating  to the cross, or even worst than that.

Christmas was happens when the Christian do believe  to be the-day-of-God's-Son which they use to called it 'God Incarnate'. Thus, this is not only their celebration, it is also a ritual-based on belief which is totally against the teaching of Islam itself.

From Islamic point of view, the belief in the Son-of-God or God-in-the-flesh is denial of God's Oneness. By participate celebrating with them is not a pleasure but possibilities one may lose his/her conciousness towards the basis. Many of them may not aware of the offensive towards their action which is totally fall into our religion's error which may exposes to the anger of Allah, Nauzubillah.

The above also referred to what had our Prophet said:
"Whoever imitates a people is one of them".

Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyah said in his book Iqtidaa' al-siraat al-mustaqeem mukhaalifat ashaab al-jaheem:
"Imitating them in some of their festivals implies that one is pleased with their false beliefs and practices, and gives them the hope that they may have the opportunity to humiliate and mislead the weak".

Muslim must take it seriously as the greatest danger is for our next generation, who may slowly loose their Islamic faith in tawhid and may start believing in Jesus as 'more than a prophet and servant of Allah'. Perhaps, as mentioned by Mufti Perak, 250,000 Malay had murtad according to their statistic analysis.

In a nutshell, I prefer to celebrate date-of-Muhammad-birth instead of congratulate them or even get involved in their Jesus Christ, Son's-of-God-birth-day as I love the mighty Prophet Muhammad very much. It is hard to captured in words and I hope this limitless feelings will increasingly remain, Amen... 

Salawat and Salaam upon him.

Praise to Allah, am proud to be Muslim ;D

Sunday, 23 December 2012

Prosperity For Treat

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

They took me to the McDonald's, their treat. Yeah, it is FOC. Am pleased. Never expected to get the Prosperity as my meals that evening. Seems like they noticed my favourite dishes tough.

You guys must think that I do had such a generous friends is it? Nop, they are not! tehehe... Everything happens for a reason for sure. Am just doing their part for Principles of Marketing report for the whole night, that is it. It is the lame way they thank me, for my hard works. :P

Guess what? We met Chewchew with her International boyfie there too. Seriously Labuan is just that small piece one.

We enjoy lots of time snapping pictures whenever we like, as usual. I just love it as it seems like quite sometimes I have not going out like this, chitchatting with few friends of mine and I just love it the way it is. We just ignored the stare they gave us, who cares? :D

Terima kasih na payung makan prosperity <3

Peluk ketat buat sang penaja, ahaks!

Boolat nya mata Cik Az...

Grrr... tak sabar nak makan dah ni! tunggu lompat nak terkam ja

Perasan jugak other costumers yang nganjeng perbuatan kitorang berphotogedik. Dengki lah tu! Gasak korang lah. I don't seen any proble

Lepas tapau things off for the sake of Az's friends kitorang ahead balik, mau rest bah ni. Oops! terlebih sudaa... :') Apapun thanks ye korang for the sponsorship as I don't even use my own cash anyway :P

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Nasi Kerabu Hunter

Begin with Basmallah. Hey darls! Guess what, I cannot help myself to start my class again after quite sometimes there is no class during the week plus it is Marketing dude, off course cannot wait to see the very calm face of Sir Soffri! Ahaks.

Well, actually, am being late for that even KC and Una does confirm me about the class with their previous message but I just could not help myself helping my room mate as she was running out of her oil to do their task at Sir Rosni place. 

Actually, they did not listed oil as their expenses.

After running out from the Semi-D am flying to my class as it is already late and I still wanna go to the class as it is worth-coming for. I love Sir Soffri Marketting, please noted okay? Okay, am flying! I do have super natural power, inherited from my grandpa I guess :P

Meet Sami on the 8th floor hallway, he is asking about the Database group mark. Time cenggini lak ko nak ajak menyembang, nyah ko! Terus head on to the door-opened-class like welcoming me and for the first time ever am sitting in front, cepat-cepat selak buku. Seriously do not want to miss things out. *focus.

I wish I have the courage to turn around, finding someone tapi memang susah. As a rabun-ish person memang sucks off to do so, lagi duduk depan, so deal with it. Staring at the usual seat that I used to be, kite noticed Mya is not around but I do not know at the right side as it seems crowded. I could not see someone as they do cover my sight. *worried

End of the class, when held a meeting for our group as our presentation-tomorrow-supposed to be need to be changed to Friday as Marsheela's group could not make it on the-day so Rose ask me to call Mya as all of the members agreed. Unanswered. Decisions have to be made. Majority power used.

Joining Kc, Una and Mimi to cafe, finally could manage myself to get my hands on the Nasi Kerabu. Curry-puff too! tehehe~ Makan besau so that am getting besau too! <3

Blue-ish Nasi Kerabu, eh?

On the way back then, am asking Kc about her nephew, Hulaif Ash. Suddenly Una asking me, 'Wan teringin nak anak buah ke?'. 'Eh, mestilah! tapi tak tahu bila.Hurm.' 'Orang pun tak sabar nak anak buah, abang orang ada je tuh'. #SenyumHambar. Ok, I get it! 

Sunday, 16 December 2012

New Name

Kept tweets about cant-wait feelings of my Royal-Masala-to-be as I does ordered before from their committee members for the Indian Culture Night (ICN) before on December 13, while having a meeting for our Marketing group assignment. 

They do not call them Royal Masala, I used to call them freely as it slightly the same like Royal Masala that I have during my APK it just that without the dhal curry. Suka hati ko lah Wan nak panggil apa pon!

Tunggu punya tunggu sampai tertidur lah. Bangun-bangun terus nampak atas meja, bukan satu tapi dua sebab Su pun beli jugak. 

Rushed to bathroom as possible as am dying for it, starving giler kan? But then I have noticed this and I was like.... @^%*%@%!!#&@^! Tak tahu nak marah ke, gembira ke, cemana ni.

kemain confident tulis nama kite cenggitu yer?

Nama dah tersalah ni der! Since when I do changed my name? or I did not spell it right for all this while?Kang merajuk kang tak kebulur lak anak Mohd Nasir yang sorang nih. Just ignore it! While am opened it, gahhhh... terus tak lalu. Ada acar buah bagai, jauh dari apa yang kite imaginasikan. Okay, tak mengapa. Boleh tolerate lagi. 

Even for a spoon full of the rice, kunyah laju-laju. Tak sedap mana pun, jauh ketinggalan compared to what Sanggari and Renuka prepared back then during the APK expo. Tak sedap pon off course lah habis, beli pakai duit der... bukan air liur.

Lesson that I have learn so far, once people write down your name in wrong way, there must be something fishy walaupun lauk dia ayam sambal :P. Penangan nama ni memang a serious matter. Trust your heart girlfriends!

Touched when Odah tend to offer me to be her sister since she's the only girl in the family. Am welcoming  my new family here with an open heart.

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Whaddup 12/12/12 ?

Did you ever heard rumours saying that 12/12/12 will be the hereafter? The end of the world? Crap! I do not have the ideas where is on earth they have got the news from, CNN, Bernama, Reuters? Huh! Allah knows better what had been written. As a human, we just need to prepare before the time have come.

Well, as for me, 12/12/12 is not just a date. It is something special! I repeat something special! Yeah, as my tweets already achieved the same lucky number too! Erk, almost there even it is not exactly the same. I really do not know where does the last '2'  went missing! :P

a Yeayhhh for me! :P

Not only for the tweets okay? While am awake that noon, (it is normal as I do sleep around 10am) I have noticed something yellow right in front of me as I have been carving for it since ages. I guess Santa Claus did send me these things, but it is not Christmas yet! Lets take a look what is it actually. Wondering? ;P




nice huh? especially bila berlatarbelakangkan Database notes :P

Jeng jeng jeng! It is Durian Crepe everybody! Yeayhh, congrate Wan! Finally, you have made it! Thanks to Ema who gave us a piece of it to be tasted for each and everyone of us. Next time, do bring us a box. LOL!

Bagi betis nak paha plak kan? Ahaks! Well, at first I just thought that she's made it by her own self however I have noticed that she's taking an order from a wife of UMSKAL's staff. Baru nak impress! Apa pun gila babeng sedap, perghhhhhh!

That night am calling up upon Mama to wish her Happy 27th Anniversary. How time flies in a blink kan? Tup tup dah 27 tahun already.

Am just saying, 'Amboi, kemain Mama dengan Abah kahwin pun pilih tarikh cun nak kahwin. meletop ko Jaahhhh!'. Mama replied, 'Mana nak taw, orang tua dulu-dulu yang tetapkan'. 

Nampak tak kesimpulan di situ? Orang tua dulu-dulu pun dah trending pilih tarikh yang cun untuk kahwin, patutlah generasi sekarang pun terbawa-bawa. Sila jangan pertikaikaniiinya puun, adui!

Happy 27th Anniversary Mama-Abah! Thanks for brought us altogether to view the world. We are just blessed to be apart of you. May Allah bless both of you till Jannah, ameenn... Nanti nak kahwin pun pilih the same date as my parents marriage lah, ahaks! Kegatalan melanda secara tiba-tiba.

Monday, 10 December 2012

Drama Birthday Odah

Hey peeps! Guess what date is today? Hell, yeah! It is 9th Disember and we manage to wish Odah for a very prosperous birthday ever.

Okay, I used 'we' here as me, Su, Ema, Rochelle are stick downstairs under Beta 3 finished up our assignment while staring at the clock ticking to 12am. We're singing out loud the Birthday song for the lead of the day, eat 'Serawa Durian' (Durian porridge, is it?) made by Cik Ramping. Credited to her and Mya for the absolutely amazing delivery and delicious dishes they do serve us.

There goes our drama... pretending like we are totally not planning to celebrate the-day. Begin our 'scene' with outing altogether with Su, Odah and me saying that Su really carving to eat something :P.

We head lazily to Malindo Restaurant for the meals. Su do order Kampung Village Fried Rice (#eh?) with an omelette and Special C Tea, me Lemonade Chicken Fried Rice with Corn Juice while Odah just drink a glass of Special C Tea. Kemain peliks lak menu dia ye? Thanks a lot Mr Google!

Well, we tried our best to waste the time before we are about to leave, asking this and that. Seriously I do not know what else to mention. Terribly obvious I guess. After quite some times, the rest of the 'crew' crawling out form the car. Okay, tipu! Birthday song is on track while Ema, Rochelle, Adam, Kaido, and Liza bring along the small Angry Bird cakes towards her.

Am just asking myself, 'is it the last piece of cake available in Labuan? to small for a birthday party, haiss!'

Later on I heard they sing out Birthday songs again and I look back, I saw Odek bring out the big pink cake towards her. I was like 'Whoaaaa!'. I do not know any, as they bought the cakes themselves when they are outing earlier. I just come to eat, LOL.

That is the reason why am not willing to join them when they do invited me but thinking of I never going out with my own room mate previously, I just agreed. *start counting my cash

I know, Odah totally did not expect any as Su and me are kinda good actress. Seriously I did not noticed it before! I should seriously jump into the industry, perhaps :P. Okay, lets go to cafe watching the football match between Malaysia vs Thailand for AFF Suzuki Cup. Go go #HarimauMalaya!

Hey, someone is going for a first date today, ahaks! Iklan jap. :D