The program starts with the introduction of the KPP itself by Mr Saffuan as the morning session instructor. He might cover up from first four chapter before continued by Mr Adnan. I'd loved to see the way they deliver their presentation and the confidence level in them even kite belajau 18 tingkat pun kite tak boleh dapat ability tu. However, I'll end up my day slept there even my seat was at the front row. Damn!really sleepy... but at the second session with Mr Adnan I don't sleep. What a surprise man!!! Dalam kepala ni dah fikir nak buat apa taw, tak sabau nak balik rumah. However, we end up today's program earlier than expected, wehuuuu!
Rushing back home and am about to prepared the Meatball Spaghetti Bolognese. Kite maen campak je dalam periuk, tapi kali ni it cost sometimes lah sebab masak for the whole family kan so memang banyak lah dari biasa. Even I'm quite tired that day am still spend sometimes to pampered them with it as they kept requesting me to do it. Guess what? Even it is their first time try it on, they really love it sampaikan berkali-kali tambah. Abang je dah 4x, I was like seriously? Kemain besau perut dia. After all, am just glad as they loved it so much and it's enough for me. However, Abah cakap too sour as I don't mixed the sauce with any then Mama altered it. :(
Taraaa!! dapnya.. dapnya... |
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