Sunday, 1 July 2012

Last Goodbye

The day has come. Bul's mom cook us Lontong, as I requested before I came there and she's the one who promised to cook it once I'll be there at Muar back then when we're still in Politeknik Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin (PTSS) for the last goodbye. Off course, kite makan dengan lahapnya. Basmallah is a must, I don't wanna share my food with satan as am really hungry greedy monster! Hey northern peoples, am eating Lontong as my breakfast here at Jasin, Malacca! hahahhaha... :D

I used to call this Lontong Muar as the cooker from Muar, Johor.

X untuk mengundi lontong, kakakaka :D

Mood, makan dengan  rakus bak tikus.

Am kinda jealous with Kara as she bring along her luggage as she's going back to Batu Pahat, Johor early this morning which earlier than me and am about to remove my bag too but Bul not allowing me to do the same as it's too early. Mano la den tahu, dah ekau dop kabau nak hantau den torus ka balik rumah dolu. Ponek den comulot dengan mak ekau ha, kemain molokat laei lipstick mark kat pipi den ni. Plus, I can't help myself missing my families. Ouwhhh, how I really wish to be there.

Our next destination off course lah Muar! Nobody there yet, and we're helping Bul's out to do housekeeping things at her office all together. Not really hers' lah kan. :P We're about to wash the car as it's quite sometimes she never wash her car, what a lazy lady! 

Muka bahagia mencuci Swift, ambil berkat. :P

Cuci lagi dan lagi...

Me lagi, seriously am a loner :(

revenge time, am disappear!

Padan muka Kara terpaksa bekerja juga, kite merajuk seminit lagi lah.

Taraaaa! am here babes...

Sangat happy that time, as we could help her a lot kan Kara? even am coaxing for a while, been a part-time photographer :P Later on, we're going to Boss's secret office as not all of his staff knew the existence of the office so, we're just lucky! We bring along the equipment needed to accomplish our mission. Macam nak pindah rumah pun ada jugak ha, hahahhaha... Come, let's join us!

Rasa macam beruk nyapu sampah. Kemain jakun

ada gaya macam Man Kidal Jong Kudung x? :P

Eh, ada orang snap pic! Sila buat-buat rajin...

Am not alone here okay? Or the overload of my pics sucks you up? hahahhaahahah..mesti dah loya tengok muka kite kan? bajet retis lah katakan... My friends pun membantut membantu jugak awww. Tetibe bertukar jadi nyah sat. Bak kata Wonderpet, apa yang penting, kerja...sama!  There goes their pics below after Uncle  Omar came to clear the things up. Sebab tu semacam licin je office baru ni, siap boleh tido guling-guling. Mau tak letih, ngemas sini sana siap jumpa beraneka jenis binatang di sini macam mini zoo dah taw! Bau tok sah duk cakap lah kan, semput mak nakkkk. Dah lah tak tahan habuk and bau lipas, Bul tahu terus marah. :(

Pe ke hei ni? Kara ingin menyampaikan serangkap lagu...

Lakonan semata-mata. See, ada senyuman di situ.

Mereka bersama lakonan mereka sekali lagi, acara sapu setempat!

Acara mata juling memandang aircond. 

Korek lagi dalam-dalam.berdaki dah ni.

Bibik-bibik sudah ketiduran keletihan

After have a very well rest, we head to Pizza Hut to buy lunch as our generous boss treat us for reward. I wonder why don't I just ask to have the Honda CRV he used, lol. Then, we head to the main office at the town to have a lunch together-gether. Before that warm-up with our photoshoot session with those thousand cars around!

Which car i would like to have? hurmmm...

Finally! :D

Feeling model kereta sat.
Lunch time! dapppnyer...

Muka happy jumpa makanan
Bila jumpa makanan, mereka takkan menjemput anda makan bersama :(

Memberanikan diri mencelah :X

Bul memang berat sebelah! maw kite tak  marah

Berlakon sopan jap.

Sesi melahap
Nak wat macam iklan dalam TV cheese dia panjang-panjang bila ditarik, tapi tak jadik!
Come to mama bebeh... 

Our boss yang baik hati, next time payung laei yo?

We're rushing to the Muar Station Bus as Kara's ticket is on 4.30pm and we better on hurry. Sedih sangat-sangat melepaskan Kara pergi but what else I could do? She's never stay overnight at someone's place and this is her first time. Am so thankful that she could made it just because of me. Thank lil sister. We're gonna miss you lot! I promise, this is not our last goodbye. :(

Shuhhh-shuuhhhh pi la balik cepat-cepat! :P

Lepas usai je jejak kasihan sebentar tadi, kitorang balik teruih ke Jasin. Have a chitchat with Bul as I know how she really wanna share with me something as we used to be, and there's a lot of things I guess. I hope she just being herself and know exactly what she ever want in her life. As a good friend of hers, am just supporting which ever path she had choose and what ever things she decides to do.

Am counting hours before get back to Kedah and am just can't wait! Mak Cik ask me to eat Durian that she bought and she ask me to finish it all! How could I? :P She ask me something regarding Bul and am just remain silent as I don't wanna interfere in her family matters. Sorry Mak Cik, for lying. I'm her bestie, off course I know everything. I guess you should trust your own daughter as she wouldn't do something against you. Mak Cik sempat bagi botol mineral 1Malaysia kat kite, kemain kebangsaan semangat yang ditunjukkan dan kemain banggalah kite menggonggong minum air tersebut.

Am just glad as her mom and sisters wanna send me to Malacca Central. Dorang sangat menjaga anak dara orang dan mereka tersangat-sangat risau kan keselamatan kite. Sangat terharu you! Kite cakap kite nak jumpa kawan dari sekolah rendah, tapi Mak Cik cakap 'boyfriend ke?' sambil tersenyum kambing. Haahhahaha... Jumpa-jumpa Wa, kite peluk die erat. Seriously rasa macam kawan baik even kitorang jarang contact as it's been 12 years we've been apart and only posting comment through the facebook page. Am really thankful can meet one of my primary school-mate.

While am climbing up in the bus, I can see clearly Mak Cik, Wan and Bul chitchatting bout me I guess and they laugh out loud sometimes. I'll show to Mak Cik that am drinking her 1Malaysia mineral water bottle that she gave me, and she's saying something between them. It's okay digula-gulakan kerana kite dah terbiasa dalam situasi sedemikian. Am I really that funny? hurmm... waving goodbye was the toughest things to do. Am gonna miss all the memories here in Malacca very much and hope someday I could be there.

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