Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Fight Laziness, Let's Study!

In the name of Allah, most gracious and most merciful. All praise and thanks are due to Allah, praise and blessings be upon His messenger.

I have start studying and one of my fella ask me to go to the library and here we are now. Kinda bored somehow as yeah, my first day studying I guess. I just do my one-page note only from 10.00am-1.00pm. What an achievement! *clap*

Another 6 days left for our first final exam paper and yet, I don't feel any. Seriously. Plus, we still have one group project left and the due will be at the end of this year. I'll knock your door during the new year's countdown sir, no worries :P

Thanks my lovely Ira as she gave me this which I see as a booster to push me, studying. She gave me since yesterday, and I would like to wish all the viewers all the best in your study too for your upcoming exam.

Bittaufiq wan najah! Rabbuna yusahhil wa yunajjih lak!

Monday, 23 December 2013

Dreaming Someone

In the name of Allah, most gracious and most merciful. All praise and thanks are due to Allah, praise and blessings be upon His messenger.

Recently I've been dreaming bout someone and even last night. I'm shocked, hell yes! It's something abnormal as I use not to dream about a guy before. Is it a sign? Hurm, I've noticed recently I keep thinking bout this such a while. This might be because of I'm in high confusion of accepting someone who's approaching me recently.

The first dreamt happened few month ago, am with someone that I didn't know even though the status was someone that I know. Sounds weird kan? Oh well, lemme just keep it for myself. The second guy, I've been dreaming bout him twice but last night I feel like he's close to me. Plus, I did know him.

Thus why am afraid of sleeping at night, and this is my second nights I have after my busy-shitty weeks previously.

O Allah, please guide me, protect me from all of this harm. As if it has been stated am with someone, please smooth everything and let me accept whoever he is for the sake of you.

Sunday, 22 December 2013

Cried in Laugh

In the name of Allah, most merciful, most gracious. All praise and thanks are due to Allah, praise and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Me and my friends planning to attend the Malaysian Première Movie, Ustaz Mu Tunggu Aku Datang!  as it featuring Ustaz Azhar Idris (UIA) for FREE! Since we're so bored and nothing else to do (escaping from the assignment for awhile) we proceed with the plan plus, this is the time where we wanted to treasure watching altogether with besties for this semester.

Going to the cafe earlier to get my dinner as it's been 3 days haven't eat rice. However, I already order my hotdog cheese burger, thanks to Miy and Una who influenced me :P and end up am having both! Dah gaya macam kebulur tak makan sebulan kekdahnya.

After all have gathered, we're heading to Podium D while chatting along the way. It took about 3-4 minutes late and the hall already dark as they already rolled on the film.

We're laugh out loud watching the movies and we really do enjoy it very much. Watching movies with crowded might let you to laugh extra loud compared to watching alone but nevertheless, the message really touched deep down in my heart. I cried most of the time, and yes, I really do... Hence, the laughing only to cover the fact that am crying.

Yeah, I'm a bit upset with myself recently, thus why I've been exposing myself to few religion-based reading and allocate as many resources I could to enhance my knowledge regarding Islam. Yeah, most everyday and night I've cried for it whenever I watch few videos regarding the topics.

I really wanna be a good muslimah to represent Islam as my own way of life and even thinking of doing dakwah as well as a duty of the chosen khalifah. However, am so afraid of the fact that I've committed so much sin before and amma deserve to be the one and part of them? I'd rather took the long path for it as long as I know, where amma standing to.

Please pray hard for me may Allah have granted strengths and giving me hidayah to constantly doing what I wanna do.