Tuesday, 30 July 2013

The Bad Day Will Pass Anyway

In the name of Allah, most gracious and most merciful. All praise and thanks are due to Allah, praise and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Actually am reluctant to go back to Penang as my shift supposed to be at night. I don't know how to confront them and what awaits me there for the whole night. At first, I can feel like chillin' all over me and don't-know-what-to-talk syndrome occurred.

However, at the middle of the night they treat me well. Even tough I refuse to eat on 12am but Aida force me to. Thanks for Mama and Abah for the pulut durian she gave me, it makes me full for the whole night. Credit to Wak too for the yellow mellow durian.

It would be nicer as if there's a coconut milk + sugar

Luckily that night, lots of fabric need to be tested that night, so it doesn't feel like really that awkward. Am tryin' ma best to improvised my performances even tough there's lack in something here and there. Doing overlock for couple of hours, and I feel like my ass already shaped like the seat.

How it really feels good as if there's a cushion seat somewhere :(

When we used to go back, Ira waited for me while she's holding the door till I've done settling my job. Touched! *teary eyes*. The bad day will pass anyway, tomorrow gonna be even better. In sha Allah~

P/s: Hopefully the incident happened to Ira does not related with me at all, as someone use to flat the car tyre by purpose.

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