Tuesday, 30 July 2013

The Bad Day Will Pass Anyway

In the name of Allah, most gracious and most merciful. All praise and thanks are due to Allah, praise and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Actually am reluctant to go back to Penang as my shift supposed to be at night. I don't know how to confront them and what awaits me there for the whole night. At first, I can feel like chillin' all over me and don't-know-what-to-talk syndrome occurred.

However, at the middle of the night they treat me well. Even tough I refuse to eat on 12am but Aida force me to. Thanks for Mama and Abah for the pulut durian she gave me, it makes me full for the whole night. Credit to Wak too for the yellow mellow durian.

It would be nicer as if there's a coconut milk + sugar

Luckily that night, lots of fabric need to be tested that night, so it doesn't feel like really that awkward. Am tryin' ma best to improvised my performances even tough there's lack in something here and there. Doing overlock for couple of hours, and I feel like my ass already shaped like the seat.

How it really feels good as if there's a cushion seat somewhere :(

When we used to go back, Ira waited for me while she's holding the door till I've done settling my job. Touched! *teary eyes*. The bad day will pass anyway, tomorrow gonna be even better. In sha Allah~

P/s: Hopefully the incident happened to Ira does not related with me at all, as someone use to flat the car tyre by purpose.

Sunday, 21 July 2013

First Time Breaking Fast With Family

In the name of Allah, most gracious and most merciful. All praise and thanks are due to Allah, peace and blessings be upon His messenger.

Almost forget to blog out bout this, journey with those beautiful lab girls. I've been told that I shouldn't do my OT as I have to join the balik kampung trip to Besout, Perak. Yeah, am carving to meet the beautiful family of Ayumi Sakaro and here I am!

The feeling of not doing OT on Saturday is a bit awkward but yet I felt relieved after what had happened lately. I wanna just put a smile on my face to turn on the mood. Tried to pulled out the excitement for reaching 3++ GPA.

Am so damn happy as I really felt like am around my family, as the whole family of Ayumi gathered together breaking the fast under one roof for a night. Everyone were excited especially Yoku Ating as she's been in-charge to cook Bakso during that time. Plus, she's teaching me on how to cook it as well. *take note*

my all time favourite, nyum nyumm~

They were chitchatting all night even without me. Me? am sleeping without taking my bath as I haven't had enough sleep. So damn true, we're moving couple of hours right after am getting back from work!

As I sleep on-time and normally I used to awake after 6 hours sleep and around 2am am already wide awake. Guess what am doing? After taking my bath, am continue eating Bakso silently laahhh, hahhahaha.

It's funny whenever am thinking of the incident where Mak (Ayumi's mother) rushing to the kitchen when she thought that she forgot to turn off the stove. Dah macam lari 100meter lak :D.

After that am giving a hand helping them to prepare the Sahoor menu that day. Blessed.

When the sun rise, we went to Tanjung Malim to buy Eidfitri cloths for Yoku Ating's family as she'll be back to Sabah celebrating with them all. It takes a lot of times and efforts to satisfy her but then it's worth waiting as the price were cheaper then any other place in Penang!

While we're heading back, we drop by at Kellie's Castle as they knew how I really wanna go there someday. Even tough it was closed, they still wanna snap pics so that the memory will remain among the four of us.

With my lovely Yoku Ating, isn't she's pretty?

Poxing kat luar pun jadilah kan kan kan?

P/s: Touched. Mak cried for us when we're about to leave the house. Till we meet again Mak, I love you so. *missing my family damn much* :'(

Friday, 19 July 2013

One Is Not Enough, Yeah Man?

In the name of Allah, most gracious and most merciful. All praise and thanks are due to Allah, praise and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Hey peeps! Yeah, I noticed... it's been quite some times haven't updating my blog. Am working night shift these whole week and I guess you knew how does it feels like when you're not sleep at night right? Even got the same quantity of time but the quality of sleep doesn't seems like equal. That is why we shouldn't against our biological clock... 

Tetibe, sebelum ni tak pa pon! :P

Back to basic, while scrolled down the Facebook timeline my eyes keep pointing at my former friend's status. As I read the whole comments, I saw this name. Who is Dayana actually? I've tried narrowing my so called research then I found that she is Ashraf Muslim's wife. Such a stalker! hahhaaaa...

Why they've been trending in these timeline? Finally I knew, He married for the second time. In Malay, we used to call poligami, in other words as if a husband have more than one wife.

It's not the point here but the things is am so attracted to her writing as she tried to express her feeling towards what she had been through. Check this out!

Deeply sorry as it is in Malay language :'(

Touched huh? How beautiful her words was kan? See, this is the good example of expressing one feelings to the public. Very the ethical, ya know? Such a professional person. I do respect her personally.

Am not a lady whom against a man married more than one, seriously... but the things is as if am the first one laahhh. Aci mintak lak dah kan? As if am against it, am the one whom object sunnah Rasulullah as the man used to as the lame reason why they remarried. Hmm. 

I see poligami as a very bad good action, but when it comes to marriage the second wife in Thailand silently without the first wife noticed was not a wise one.

As a man with dignity, they should implement the good intention with the right way. 

Rather than pointing to the poligami thingy, you better concern on the broader issues like people who practising sex without having any relation. That's why am wondering why they kept debating on poligami but then do they allowing their husband having a mistress behind their back?

Be patient,.. gold umbrella awaits you there.