Sunday, 27 January 2013


In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Well, am arrived home safely last week and I had the chance to meet my whole family members except for Megat Izzuddin. He's the eldest brother that I had after me, get what I mean? Yeah, I know, he's been out there re-recruiting as an army for Commando post. Commando?! 

Yup, I know, recruiting as an army already tough and it's getting toughest when you're in Commando. Well, we do ask him to choose the same as Abah's but he refuse. I know, he did it for the sake of the money as he knew exactly how was actually the financial crisis revolving around his family. Touched! :'(

He'd rather hurt himself just because of tired been unaffordable all the time. He mentally tortured and Mama was the one who responsible to boost him up. Yeah, he may find me too but somehow, Mama was everything to him which I couldn't compete with. However, am the closest sisters he had :D

Told ya! dah macam bride-to-be lak

Finally he called after a few month disappeared. He borrowed the phone from public people there. LOL! Thought he's already finished it up but then still undergo the training. Last time he ask me to pray for his succeed and off course, I'll never forget to pray for my family's wellness even for seconds. They're always be my priority, the top one!

I called his girlfriend later on to ask about her condition. Guess what? She had just cried as she missing him that much and am pretty sure that am calling at the right time. Jaga-jaga, instinct kite sangat kuat dan kite syak kite salah sorang daripada supernatural members for having that kind of power :P. Cut it off Wan! 

Amboi, tak kasi chance langsung nak angkat bakul sendiri kejak. Kemon lah..

I know deep down inside, Siti, really worried about his security. He was afraid of losing him as being an army, a bit risky. She even take a weeks off out from her workplace as she do freaked out thinking about her future with him. 

I know, how sucks it was when you're worried about your future spouse whom gambling their own life to move on. Suddenly am thinking of my late Mr Processor. Hey, it's my brother's story, not me, aiyaaakkk! Ada je nak mencelah, haisss :P

Well, I've tried my very best to consult and I told her, just pray for him and Allah might listen. I know, my brother can go through all of these obstacles successfully as I noticed how strong he was and how does people around him could encourage him to be more tougher. That's why he need our support to motivate himself.

May Allah heard and arrange everything well according to plan, can't wait for his next passing day out around March even tough am unable to fill in the invitation. This time, surely my parent really do had the chance welcoming his success during the-day and I want him ALIVE. Ameen... ameen... ameen...

Din, sila bertahan... Angah sayang ko, sayang ko sangat-sangat! It's your battlefield, do complete what you've started. Make us all proud of you.

During his first recruit. Memang sengaja edit supaya kelihatan handsome dalam blog Angah dia, kakakakaka..

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